Twisted Mango-Coffee Smoothie

Twisted Mango-Coffee Smoothie
This is a great combination smoothie. It is a quick, easy snack and instant breakfast recipe. Yesterday, I tried new twisted mango-coffee smoothie, hope you all like it and try it at your home also. I just love the twisted taste of mango and coffee in one smoothie. This is very healthy smoothie recipe. Learn, how to make Twisted Mango-Coffee Smoothie with easy steps.

Ingredients :

Mango sliced- 1 cup(chopped)
Coffee powder - 2 tbsp.
Chilled Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - As required
Ice cubes - As required


1. For preparing mango-coffee smoothie, Add sliced mango, coffee powder and sugar in to blender. Blend until smooth texture.

2. Add chilled milk, ice cubes and blend into a fine smoothie.

3. Serve chilled and garnish with mango slice.


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